picure taken from http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1149/1328991469_b61dc79adf.jpg?v=0
here we are again, talking about a new tool Sarah taught us in the last few days: podcast. As it can be downloaded on a portable media device such as an ipod or mp3player, it is preferable for us to have at least one of them. If you don't have none of them you can burn the files to a CD and listen on a regular stereo. Fortunately technology develops quickly and here in Italy almost everyone has got a mp3 player. On the market now it can be found at cheap prices. Unfortunately this is not the case with ipod yet, which is still very expensive :(
Podcasts have the advantage to be free; since they are of public domain we don't have to worry about all the legal/illegal stuff!! I read on our English course's blog that some Universities in the United States now offer many lectures online in the form of podcasts. Isn't it great? If you are ill or if you can't go to class for other reasons you don't need to ask classmates or send e-mails to teachers anymore, the material is now available on the Internet. But I think we have to wait a while for this to happen in Italy...
As regards our English learning process podcasts can be very useful. Most of us complain, we cannot improve our listening and comprehension skills because we don't have the chance to talk to a native speaker, now we have it.....at least we can listen to somebody who is speaking in English. The greatest advantage is that having the possibility to download material onto our mp3 player we can listen to it whenever we want. Most of us don't live in Padova and others like travelling a lot, now we can gain time by listening to our favorite English radio or stories while we are on a train or while we are driving our car home.
Surfing the net looking for some interesting podcasts I found one which I think can be of interest to us: Libri Vox. In this site the authors select a book from their collection and podcast a chapter at a time, three times a week, from start to finish. You can visit the Catalog Index or if you don't have a precise idea of what you are looking for you can browse the entire Catalog. There you find an alphabetically ordered list of books, which makes the research very easy. In order to listen to one of the audiobooks you need to get an audiofile onto your computer. It is preferable if you subscribe to iTunes, so you can download an entire book. However I was able to download some chapters of "Jane Eyre" by clicking on ogg vorbis.
Another interesting website I found is English Through Stories. This website is a bit different from the previous one because as far as I understood the stories here are not books. They are divided in episodes and they adress to an advanced speaker of English audience. Each episode is recorded by the host, Doctor Jeff M. coming from the Centre for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California. At the beginning of each episode he gives a short account of what had happened before. He speaks rather slowly so it is not difficult to understand what he is telling us. Furthermore the stories are also written down on the site so you can listen and read at the same time.
The third website I chose is BBC-Radio. If you are interested in what is happening all over the world this site may help you to keep always up to date. There are many many links to different subjects and programmes. You can listen to the radio in 33 languages, which I think is very useful for us students. I find the link to 'learning English' very interesting; here you find some quizzes and exams, explanations of words in the news, materials for teacher and much more. If you click on it you get on a webpage which may help you to improve your skills. I mostly like to listen to World news; when I'm home I can watch Sky, but here in Padova I don't have a digital satellite television platform . If you have problems with listening click on the link 'Help with listening'.
Be careful: to play episodes of a podcast you need a software. To listen to them you will need a media player, a piece of software, that can play mp3 files. Your computer should be installed with a media-software. If you do not have appropriate software loaded try to get one. The most popular media players are Windows Media Player, Real Player, iTunes.
C U soon
7 commenti:
Dear Elisa,
Your the one who asked me about your thesis, right?
I spoke with Prof. Taylor and, as I suspected, as a CEL I can't be a co-relatore. (Don't even get me started on what CEL are and are not and what we're supposed to and not supposed to do. It makes me quite angry!) She also said you should contact an English professor or researcher as soon as possible to be co-relatore as they are very busy.
Hi girls...
This is my first comment for all of you...It was difficult for me to leave comments on your blogs 'cause my laptop has been broken and I also had a very slow internet connection...Finally it seems everything is ok and I can start communicating with you!
I'm reading what you wrote on your blogs about previous e-tivitys and I'll soon leave some comments...
Bye..and see you..
Hi Elisa,
It would be wonderful listening to the lessons we lost at University just downloading them by internet...I hope we will be able to do it one day!
Anyway,I agree to you, podcasting is a easy and cheap way to listen to english and improve our listening and comprehension skills...You're right...Nowaday almost everyone has got a mp3 and podcasts are easy to download and mostly free.
I enjoyed a lot the podcast website about stories...I listened to some episodes of the story "Missing Person" that is a sort of drama or, as the speaker says, kind of soap opera!! It's really nice and every time the professor who reads the episode gives you some important explanations about difficult words or expressions of that particular episode! Very useful!
See you...
Hi Elisa!
I have just read your post and I agree with everything you said about podcasts! As Imma and you do I also think podcasting might be a very effective way to improve our listening and comprehension skills. We discovered another chance to practice a lot of English, but it is still up to us if we want take advantage of this oppurtunity or not. Podcasting is something convenient and accessible to all of us as well as an amusing and relaxing way to learn English; you should have a lot of time, patience and determination though.
I went through the websites you found and I must admit I am attracted the most by "BBC-Radio". I find the other websites you chose useful as well, but I am more interested in real facts in order to keep me up to date with world news. I think this website is really well organized because it offers you the opportunity to select language, subject and programme; you can just pick and choose!
See you on Wednesday;)
Hi Elisa,
I like your blog template, it reminds me a novel I read in the past and I really loved!
I must tell you that I envy your links, you are always choosing cool webpages! Since the link you recommended me last week seems to work (friendsabroad.com), now I must tell you that English through stories is a brilliant idea! It's not so binding as a novel is (I've started reading a novel in English and the book is dust-convered).
The layout of this blog is very good, you can follow the story without loosing the thread. I din't listen to any podcasts because at home I still don't have broadband :-(
see you tomorrow
Hi Elisa,
I agree with you that going abroad is still the best solution to improve the language, especially because you can practice speaking which is not the case with the podcasts. That is also why I came to Italy; to improve my Italian.
Anyway I found the podcast web site that you suggested "Libri Vox" very useful. I liked it because there is a large list of books that you can listen to. I think that it is very helpful since you can read a book and at the same time listen to it. It is a good practice and a different way of reading as well.
Hi Elisa, I'm fine, and u?
Jeff M. is everywhere!!
I went to visit the first podcast you suggested us and I believe that making all public domain books available as free audio books is a really good idea. They will need a lot of time and energy but as he time passes by this site could offer an increasing number of books!
See you in class this afternoon,
bye elenas
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