I think so far you understand that I'm enthusiastic about the exchange. We always complain that we can't practice talking in English, especially to native speakers. Well, now we had that possibility. My peers and I talked about many topics, some of them were completely new for me, others not so. This experience was very exciting, although it was not always easy. I found it really interesting talking to my peers on Skype, but I usually feel more comfortable in face-to-face communication. To me body language and facial expression (non-verbial communication) play a very important role in conversation and make it more effective. Anyway, it didn't affect the exchange so much.
My knowledge about the other country and its culture is wider now. Furthermore, I think that talking to other people is an opportunity to change your mind and get to know things from another point of view. Nobody was stuck in his/her opinion. We never had particularly serious problems of misunderstandings. The conversation was fluent and if it happened that somebody didn't know much about one issue we simply tried to explain it.